Thursday, May 29, 2008

Word of the Day - Quixotic

Quixotic -

Quixotism is the description of a person or an act that is caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals. It also serves to describe and idealism without regard to practicality. An impulsive person or act can be regarded as quixotic.

Quixotism is usually related to "over-idealism", meaning an idealism that doesn't take the consequences into account. It is also related to naïve romanticism and to utopianism.


This is by far one of my favorite words, which is ironic due to the fact that I hate what the word represents. I believe that this word describes what has become, or is becoming, of a lot of Americans. Americans, especially Liberals and the left, are quixotic, that is, they are impulsive, overly-idealistic, and do not look at the total picture or are incapable at looking further into the issues at hand. They act on emotion and are, for-the-most-part, shallow-thinkers and "surface reactors", that is, they see things at face-value and make rash and emotional judgments based on the surface appearance of things. Quixotic people, to me, make decisions, a lot of times, based on political correctness, or what they perceive as the "right" thing to do with little or no regards to logic, human nature, or it's full and real impact. I believe that this way of thinking, no matter how well-meaning, is unproductive and does not drudge up the real issues and only provides for a superficial existence. Quixotic individuals lead fantasy lives and are sheltered from the true nature of things. They are overzealous, do-gooders that sacrifice true understanding for a false sense of well-being. They also put burden on those people which would be negatively impacted by there ill-thought-out decisions.

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