Thursday, February 7, 2008

Interesting Essay

I found this essay. I thought that it was very interesting and unique. I personally like opinions/ideas that make you think and look at things from a different or new perspective. I also like to read things that are not inhibited and guarded with political correctness. Even if you do not agree with everything, something might touch you and get your "wheels turning". If you can take one thing from a reading, speech, etc., that sparks your mind and intellect, then that effort, no matter how extensive, was worth it. In today’s society it seems that we have to say and do everything perfect, with no fault, in fear of being criticized or ostracized or labeled as "crazy". Sir Isaac Newton devoted considerably more of his time and writing to the study of alchemy than he did to either optics or physics, for which he is famous. He wrote many works that would now be classified as occult studies and a lot of his endeavors are/were considered fanciful and pointless. However, no one would argue his immense contribution to society. There are countless examples of individuals that contribute things that are incalculable, yet they are not infallible and may have been sporadic in their genius.

I like original thinkers and believe the truth is always waiting to be uncovered and that this is not always an easy, straight-forward task. It is my opinion, that there is the truth and then there is the truth, i.e., the truth is (at least in this day and age) not always readily apparent and what may appear to be the truth is often times not. The “pseudo-truth” may be due to a popular or easy-to-swallow consensus. The “real truth", if there is such a thing, is at times elusive and covered-up by many layers, not to mention at times not always pleasant. As the world becomes more complex, so does the truth in many instances. As our speech and thoughts are surpressed, so is the truth.

Plus, this essay has some topics that I find interesting and important. Freedom-of-speech and thought is our most important rights as humans and should be vigorously, and if needed, aggressively protected.

Please comment.

“The Dilution of America”
“Schizophrenic Nation”


A government gives direction, manages, controls, rules, and most importantly provides for a functionally cohesive and largely contented society. A government at its core is an organization. An organization is a structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to deliver a product or to resolve and curtail ever-arising problems. Cooperation is the ability to work together for a common purpose, benefit, or resolution. These are undisputed facts, essentially definitions.

Therefore, it is virtually impossible for an organization to function effectively, productively, and efficiently without a certain sustainable and acceptable level of cohesion and cooperation. Aside from reasonable differences-of-opinions, a group at some point must cohere in order to function as a single outcome producing unit. The degree of cohesiveness and cooperation is directly proportional to the effectiveness of that organization.

That being said, the more like-minded and compatible an organization the better output it will produce, taking into consideration the normal and reasonable array of objective perspectives that are needed to achieve a broad-view and list of most likely scenarios. Also, an organization has to have some degree of collectiveness and unity in order to secure its identity.

When an organization becomes too unlike or too contrasted in ideation and deduction, then that organization becomes impotent and misaligned, thus becoming non-effective to a degree that is correspondent to the degree of its variances. Any discernable productive output becomes inefficient at best. Aside from productivity, the vulnerability to applicable competing organizations is a major side-effect.

I believe and fear that this is what is occurring in America today. As America becomes increasingly heterogeneous and contrary, it becomes unbounded. America has become diluted. America has been, and is in the process, of losing its identity, i.e., it is losing the collective aspects of the set of characteristics by which it is definitively recognizable or known. We can no longer answer the question of “what defines America”, without spewing out politically correct, nonsensical, fanciful, and vagarious answers that do little to form and support a robust and potent citizenship. The US Government is becoming more and more detached from its core citizenry and its associated culture and ideologies.

In effect, this country has become a schizophrenic nation. There are, in some instances, severe signs of emotional blunting (people are in fear of expressing their emotions), intellectual deterioration (as seen in our educational institutions and interpersonal relationships), social isolation (one form being self-segregation), disorganized speech (in the form of speech suppression), and aggravated behavior. The United States is in a state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory and incompatible elements the likes-of-which are, in many ways, impervious to one another with little to no hopes of confluence, not unlike the reaction of oil mixed with water. Consequently, this adversely creates a divide in an otherwise generally harmonious, upstanding, and proven community. These barriers, of which, are unprecedented and ever-growing will continue to be irresolvable at the expense of our national prosperity and individual pursuits of happiness. History, in this case, will not add any insights or testaments to possible resolutions, as the degree of this setting has never before been seen and renders cultural pluralism outmoded.

Therefore, the productivity, as seen in various forms, of the United States has become compromised by its “mental health”, which is in turn a product of its lack of cohesion and conflicting, unaligned special interest groups. The US Government, under the ulterior veil of tolerance, has become blinded by illogical, impulsive, naïve, overzealous and shallowly-thought-out persuasions and misguided actions. It has become an inefficient, unorganized, and detrimentally-divided organization as a result of a nation that has ultimately become too contrasted and too unalike. Tolerance, having an unchecked positive connotation, has inherent, a permissible range that is absolutely limited by common sense and logic and should not be quixotically endured at the expense of unity and national well being. Moreover, under the rash wedge of diversity and tolerance we are effectively being divided and conquered. “United we shall stand, divided we fall”.

It is proposed that a realignment of sorts must occur before it is past the point-of-no-return. If this essay speaks to you then be prepared, be alert, and be proactive.

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